Would you let your Daughter/Son do same mistakes you did? [About Regret]

Regret! This post is a about your expectation from your kids whether or not you want them to follow your steps. A message to parents, and what kind of society you want you children to be a part of?

Hi, this is Alpha again, I am back from my vacation in Cebu, wonderful place, we shall talk about it later in another topic.

In this topic we want to be honest with each other. Not for me, but for you!

So this week I was scrolling down in my Instagram, and I saw one of my friends has posted a new picture, I respect this person a lot and we worked together in the past, she has a very good personality, not only that, she is actually one of those employees that you want to keep, for their honesty and their attitude, specially when they are dealing with customers.

Here is the thing, my friend is a single mother. I know it is not easy by any chance to be a working single mother. It is just complicated just by saying it. Yet the society and your employer wants to see your beautiful smile on your face, all the time, no matter how much trouble you are going through and no matter how difficult your life is.

And I have been thinking, what kind of society you want your kid to live in? Would you let your daughter go through same struggles that you are going through? or you will teach your daughter different things about relationships. Are you going to tell her don't trust men, or you will tell her there is good men out there? will you tell her I wish you have better life and stable marriage, or you will tell her follow my steps blindly?

On the other hand, the father who run away, would you like your son to follow your steps, being not man enough? hurting women, and leave them to face life a lone in early age and take everything away from them? will you tell him, take from women the right to get graduate and to get a decent job; because they will be busy raising their baby, or you will tell him, don't be like me, and you will tell him to respect women? Will you tell him to be man is by touching as much woman as he can? Or you will teach him no to touch anyone before they marry them? Will you tell him to run away once a women is pregnant? Or you will tell him to be a man and be responsible for his actions?

So basically, my question is, would you like your daughter and your son to live in a society that has trust issues?

We have to understand that, Women not suppose to suffer and face the world alone, and Men not suppose to be irresponsible to their families.

I don't want you to answer me, I want you to answer yourself this question. Look at your kids, you will see in their eyes a great future waiting for them, waiting for you, to give them a proper education, teaching them to be better and to have better luck than you. We both know that our children can do better, and we need to admit it in ourselves.

Same goes for the cheater, would you like your daughter or your son to do same mistakes you have been doing? or you will try so hard to not make them be different person than who you are? Because sometimes I feel - And I know I am wrong - that  some parents don't deserve to the blessings of having kids, but if God decided for them to have them, then indeed there is a wisdom behind this, a wisdom that is bigger than my understanding.

Coldplay said it, "nobody said it was easy", and I agree!

Now is it is your move, and I hope that your children will have better life, and they will have a stable relationships when they grow up; because there is nothing to prove here. It is indeed there time now

This was Alpha F. Consulting. Your child, your call!

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