Marriage Dilemma (Her feelings matter) / The End [Part 4 of 4]

Marriage, Oh Boy!

You know! Any normal man would love to live happy and exciting marriage, not only women, but we always find a short cut to screw it up.

This is Adam from Alpha F. Consulting and in this topic we are going to continue what we have discussed in previous post.

Everything is fine and everything looks good, until this happens.

Out of nowhere, another woman shows up in the picture, you think she is attractive, the way she is talking, she speaks your language, and you feel homesickness and finally found someone to talk to, but this is your side of the story and this could be your intention - in the beginning -, but she has different plans for you.

Your wife started to feel that you have changed. The truth is she already knows.
She has always been worried about this moment. She is aware she is not that super sexy anymore.

She is giving you hard time now, she has no proof, She is giving you a hard time now, she has no proof, but sooner or later she will. Her sixth sense is sending her brain a signal, the signal says, "Hey! There is another woman".

This is no longer about feeling insecure about not being in shape, or for gaining weight! Oh no, this is about another woman trying to take her man away from her.

What you don't know as a man, you have just broken, humiliated, and destroyed her self steam, her self confidence, what a shame.

This beautiful creation of God, that God has gifted you, this woman you have chosen, and you are doing this to her?

I am not saying all women are good at all, but also not all men are good either.

So now, your woman try to protect her family, try to protect her marriage and keep her husband.

So she take a decision and step down from her throne. She decides to humiliate her self, and give up her pride for the sake of protecting her family.

She goes to the place where her husband works, just to face the other woman who is trying to take her husband from her.

And she gets the opportunity to face her, but also she gets one of those responses that leave marks and hurts more than getting stabbed with a knife. - Your Man is the one who came to me -.

Listen! Why would you do that to your wife? Why you told her those sweet words when you first met her, why you decided to marry her, why you gave her hope then took it away from her, you have no right to do this to a woman.

Everyone in the office know the story, your actions speak louder than words, your actions say, my wife is a piece of trash, my wife is useless, my wife is not important, she is nothing, she is a joke, so every time people will see her in the mall, or a grocery shop, first thing will cross their mind, is what your actions say about her.

Are you happy now?
Look what you have done! Yet, she has not leave you yet, she is still hoping that love will come around once again and you will love her again.

Can't you see?
You have lost your way my friend.

I am done here. I said what I had to say and I said what I have felt.

I hope you felt something too.

That woman who is trying to steal you, she don't give a damn about your life, and the moment she walked in your life, knowing that you are married man, she will leave for someone better than you.

Because for her, she has no morals, no ethics, how could you trust her, how could you ignore what she is doing? The time you waste on her is too long that you should have spent it fix your own marriage, this is a poison in a honey, you see her attractive, the way she approach you, the way she is close to you, she is not playing, she knows exactly what she does to you, in fact she is too smart that you will think she is natural, she is too smart that will make you think she is not trying with you, but she is, absolutely is.

You think everything is easy with her. Of course, she is not your wife, her make up is always on, dressed up and looking good. Yes I know, but your wife was like this once, and she can be the most sexist woman on earth if you gave her the chance, if you left her up, if you take care of her heart, if you left her self-steam up, her confidence. Don't be selfish and be a human, be fair, become what a man supposed to be.

Story has not ended yet. It is your move now!

This is Adam from Alpha F. Consulting.

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