Tagalog... Question: Do you speak Tagalog, sir? ... Answer: Nope! Do you?

Tagalog! It is interesting language, or it was interesting language.

This is Adam from Alpha F. Consulting and in this topic we are talking about Tagalog.

Here is the thing....

It has been 4 years for me in the Philippines, I was amazed with how developed this country is. I am married to a fabulous intelligent Filipina that i really love so so much.

She speaks 3 languages, perfect English and Spanish, no accent, and fair classical Arabic, in addition to her Tagalog which is her mother tongue.

Traffic is awful here in Manila, and I never considered buying a car for commuting, so I take Angkas, Grab Car, or Uber. going to work, back and forth, it is easy to commute that way and very convenient, we live in Makati.

Every single ride, I get this question from drivers, Do you speak Tagalog, sir? Actually i have a list of questions that i have been asked, usually these questions are the same, which is funny, unless the driver wanted to be a bit creative, but this is not the case here.

I totally understand that it is a shame on me after all those years, yet I don't speak Tagalog; but i will tell you why!

I did a research on this, I realized that even Pinoys themselves don't speak Tagalog, so they are giving me a headache, not fair!!

I believe the last time someone actually spoke the language, maybe before 12 century if I am not mistaken, basically before the Spaniard invaded the Philippines.

As far as i know, Tagalog nowadays or Taglish; because they are mixing English with Tagalog that actually a combination of English and Spanish words and a lot of Arabic words. I can give you a list of words that you will be amazed to know that they are actually Arabic origin.

So next time someone will ask me that question - Do you speak Tagalog, sir? - All response will be, Do you?

That's funny!

Even when I go out to the mall, you see families walking with their kids and they are talking to them in English. Okay i got it, you are making a statement, we are fancy family. This goes to upper, middle, lower class, and I just don't get it.

People, please teach your kids your own language, there is nothing good at all in ignoring your own language, for your kids sake. You are raising a generation that will end up finding themselves struggling to relate to their own culture. This is a wake up call, and you will regret it if you don't take an action now.

Loyalty, Pertinence and belonging to Homeland. This is what you want to teach your kids, not English.

Because guess what?! You are not.

This is Adam from Alpha F. Consulting. See you in a different topic.

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