Marriage.. What a dilemma?!! [Part 1 of 4]

This blog is on relationships. To be more precise, it's about marriage.

Marriage is beautiful! And don't believe anyone who tells you that it's not. Yes marriage is beautiful - by default - Yet it is hard to understand, or you can say that it's "NOT EASY" for everyone to get the hint of it. What was possible yesterday with old peeps, it may not work for us today, life was easier before, in a way that by time, marriage became more complicated, and so is everything beautiful, it is always complicated. Can you describe how you feel when you eat chocolate? It is complicated. Exactly! Other than this, having a stable marriage now, especially these days, it is something, it really is.

You don't see it beautiful; because of many reasons. Maybe the information that was exposed to you are actually came from wrong resources, like movies, books, or even a blog just like this one. Maybe you are getting your information from people don't have the privilege to discuss this topic with you, or they are losers by all means and have no rights to tell you what to do.

I will leave the judge to you.

In the light of this topic, allow me to talk to men, because believe it or not, the key is in our hand - Men - and not the women. I am not saying that women cannot have the key per se, But I believe that we - men - should do the hard work in the relationship. And I know for a fact that since life started, we have always blamed women for pretty much everything, since "The Apple", which is, decades, I mean come on, will you stop it already!

So let me be a little bit in your faith and tell you, that it is all in our hands - Men - But we have always chosen the easy way out. We have wasted too many chances and opportunities to fix all the problems we have in our relationships, that can led us eventually to eternal happiness, by understanding what marriage is all about, do not hate what you don't understand. But we are so dumb that we give it all away and continue complaining about everything and blame her instead.

Nothing more easier than running away! If you are that type person, then maybe marriage and relationship is not for you. I mean you have to be clear from the beginning, instead of hurting people's feelings. I mean Man up dude!

Not all the men necessarily is doing the same thing, I mean, through the history of men, we have always known great men, responsible men, and there is still among us so many men who are actually doing a great job, no doubts. I am just putting the light on some behaviors that need to have an end.

This is Adam from Alpha F. Consulting. Stay Tuned for more on this topic!

Other topics:

Is it really a dilemma?!! #Marriage [Part 2 of 4]

Marriage Dilemma - The Story Continues! [Part 3 of 4]

Marriage Dilemma (Her feelings matter) / The End [Part 4 of 4]

All topics:

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